Best BBM College in Patna Bihar | BBM Admission 2025

Bachelor in Business Management (BBM) is a Three Year Undergraduate Degree Course, which is divided into six semesters. Students get admission and study the subjects related to Business Management like Principles of Management, Business Mathematics & Statistics, Introduction to Operations Research, Business Economics, Financial & Management Accounting, Production & Material Management, Personnel Management & Industry Relations, Marketing Management, Marketing, Finance HRM etc. subjects in depth during BBM. CIMAGE college is recognized as a Best BBM College in Patna Bihar which is has a record of providing an excellent placement over the years. You can get admission in BBM course through entrance test. CIMAGE college started BBM course admission for 2025-28 session. CIMAGE is the Best BBM college in Patna which comes under PPU ( Patliputra University).
Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)
- Duration : 3 Years
- Eligibility : +2 or Intermediate
- Course Duration : 3 Years (6 Semesters)
Why BBM From CIMAGE (Best BBM College in Patna)
Bachelor in Business Management (BBM) Degree is a combination of Theory, Practical Knowledge Application and Personality Development. You learn many different skills that will make you a wholesome professional and set you up for success. Being a Best BBM college in Patna Bihar, CIMAGE offers three Year Undergraduate Degree Course BBM with comprehensive understanding of business environment and management functions. This course also helps student to learn leadership qualities and develops their problem solving abilities, which are much required in today’s competitive and complex business environment. BBM helps one to acquire professional skills, which are needed in career as a management professional. CIMAGE College Patna offers Job oriented BBM course with add-on course.
Getting admission in BBM course will give you an overall understanding on business process and develop business skills such as communication skills, critical thinking, leadership and decision making and a lot more. It brings you closer to the world of management and helps you grasp knowledge of making business decision like a leader. CIMAGE offers campus placement in top companies at a good package after BBM. CIMAGE College is providing now direct admission for BBM Course in Patna.
If you wish to become an entrepreneur, it also helps you think more precisely on different aspects of running a business. It helps you build tactical skills and develop strategic thinking
Career opportunities after BBM from CIMAGE College
From the Journey of getting admission in BBM Course to the successful completion of BBM, from Best BBM College in Patna, a student can start his career with an executive level job in any reputed organization. They may also seek employments in Share Trading, Business Corporations and Industries, Print Media and so on. Their job responsibility may be primarily associated with providing assistance to the top executives. Since the BBM Degree provides a student with the basic knowledge about corporate management and skills, he/she can look for jobs in the sales and marketing department of companies as members of sales teams or as management trainees. The backend work is usually handled by them. With the tremendous rise in number of Job opportunities in Education, Government, Business, Management, MNCs, NGOs, Retail Sectors, Banking, Consultancy, Finance, FMCG, Consumer Durables, IT, Advertising and Media, BBM has become a necessity. BBM Course in Patna from CIMAGE College provides a better career opportunity in top multi national companies through campus placement.
Therefore, Any one, who is a career-oriented student and desires to enter the corporate world with honor and pride, CIMAGE BBM Course is for most suitable option for him, through which his dreams can be turned into reality. Admission in CIMAGE for BBM course will help you to get you dream job in campus placement. CIMAGE offers BBM course under the affiliation of Patliputra University. It is one of the best college under Patliputra university.
Future scope after BBM
BBM is a completely professional degree course that interests students who are serious about getting into careers in business and management. Students can get placed in good companies right after getting their degree from Best BBM College in Patna.
Graduates from all different streams can join the MBA course, but if you are a BBM graduate, you have an edge over others. BBM is an excellent preparation for an MBA. Though there is a difference in the level, you are mostly taught the same things during BBM, which are covered during MBA. Hence BBM gives you a firm platform for doing MBA and you find yourself well and better prepared.
No doubt, updated knowledge is one of the best advantages to have, and you get this with a BBM degree. The BBM Course is a well-designed course that aims to teach students as much as possible in the business world. The course is also updated according to the latest trends and developments in the industry, giving students a distinct advantage with the Special Add-on Curses provided with BBM Course in Patna at CIMAGE, keeping CIMAGEian much ahead than other simple BBM Graduates. In simple words, Getting admission in BBM course at CIMAGE can open a world of opportunities for you regarding education and professions. CIMAGE college provides campus placement in top multi national companies after BBM course. You can enquire at 7250767676 or visit website for the admission of BBM course 2025 at CIMAGE.
Industry Oriented Add-On Courses with a BBM Programme
Being a best BBM College in Patna it offers several latest Add-On Courses, as per the requirements of the Industry, which keeps students ready to meet the Global Challenges in the field of Information Technology, resulting in giving an edge to the CIMAGEians over the rest BBM Graduates.
Preparatory Classes for CAT, MAT, Bank P.O.
Diploma in Retail Management
Computer Accounting (Tally)
Customer Service
Business English
Training and Workshop on Digital marketing
Taxation (Income Tax, GST)
Rural Marketing
Payroll Management
Resume Building
Advance Excel and PowerPoint
Why to Choose CIMAGE?
Best training facilities in Management, Commerce and Information Technology.
College Affiliated with reputed Government University.
Complimented by special Add-on Courses, designed by Industry stalwarts.
Recognized as the Best BBM college in Patna
‘Learning by Doing’ pedagogy.
Complete exposure towards practical insight and preference.
Intensive Corporate Interaction
Special emphasis on Communicative English.
Several Personality Enhancement Training Programmes
Most Hi-Tech Campus & State of the art Infrastructure
Enriched with a Team of Reputed & Experienced Faculties
Fee Structure
Course | Duration | Affiliation | Total Fee |
BBM (PPU) | 3 Years | Patliputra University | ₹1,89,000 |
B.Sc. (IT) (PPU) | 3 Years | Patliputra University | ₹1,89,000 |
BCA (PPU) | 3 Years | Patliputra University | ₹2,21,000 |
B.Com (P), (AKU) | 3 Years | Aryabhatta Knowledge University | ₹1,54,000 |
BBA (AKU) | 3 Years | Aryabhatta Knowledge University | ₹2,21,000 |
BCA (AKU) | 3 Years | Aryabhatta Knowledge University | ₹2,21,000 |
PGDM (AIMA) | 2 Years | AIMA (All India Management Association) | ₹1,78,000 |
MBA (AKU) | 2 Years | Aryabhatta Knowledge University | ₹2,21,000 |
MCA (AKU) | 2 Years | Aryabhatta Knowledge University | ₹2,21,000 |
– Internal Examination Fee (Per Semester): ₹1000/-
– Library Security Deposit (Refundable): ₹1000/-
The above Fee Structure would be offered under the Down Payment Mode (option 1) Contact: 9835024444, 7250767676
BBM Course Detailed Syllabus
Download BBM Syllabus
1. Definition, Functions, and Scope of Management, Process Management.
2. Development of Management thought, Contribution of F.W. Taylor, Henry Fayol, Elton Mayo, and Peter Drucker.
3. Process of Planning, Types of policies, Principles of policy making.
4. Definition, Elements, and functions of the organization, Types of organization, span of control, Necessary elements of the organization.
5. Authority, Types & Delegation. Elements of communication, Elements of effective communication.
6. Theories of motivation, Elements, and techniques of management by objective (MBO).
7. Types of decision-making.
1. Measure of central tendency Mean, Median and Mode.
2. Measures of dispersion: Mean, Standard, and Quartile deviation.
3. Correlation Techniques – Product moment and rank difference Correlation. Regression, Hypothesis (Significance).
4. Probability, Sampling, Teat or T-ratio technique X2-test, F-test.
5. Types of graphs and its utility management.
1. Management Analysis: Concepts and Cases – Haves and Massic
2. Principles of Management: Koonz & O-Donnell
3. Management Principles & Practices: Parag Diwan
4. Principles of Management: Shyamal Mukherjee
5. The Process of Management: R. S. Davar
6. Management Concepts: B. P. Singh & T. N. Chabbra
7. Essential of Management: W. J. Duncan
8. Business Statistics: S. P. Gupta & M. P. Gupta
9. Fundamental Mathematical Statistics: Gupta &Kapoor
10. Fundamental of Statistics: D. N. Elhance
1. Objective and need of Managerial Economics, Related disciplines.
2. Demand Analysis: Significance and Concept of Demand, Cardinal Utility, Indifference Curve technique. Demand Forecasting, Elasticity of Demand Concept and use.
3. Production Functions: Production functions, Law of return, Return to scale.
4. Cost concepts: Type of cost, short-run, and long-run cost function.
5. Market and pricing: Price determination under different market conditions. Classification of market structure. Perfect competition, concepts of discrimination Monopoly, Oligopoly, Duopoly, and regulation of monopoly.
6. Concepts of capital budgeting, Decision making under risk & uncertainty Cost and benefit analysis.
7. National income: Concepts, Classification, and Accounting.
1. Structure of Indian Economy, concepts of planning, Economic liberalization. 2. Industrial Policy, Multinational Corp public enterprise policy under New Economic Policy, SSI policy.
3. Types of business organization, Characteristics & elements of a joint stock company, MRTP, BIFR, Indian companies act, Sales of goods act, Shop and establishment act, FEMA.
4. Financial sector, Role of R. B. I Financial & investment institution Commercial bank, Reform of financial sector.
5. Poverty eradication measure, NRF, Exit policy, Labour welfare & social security measures.
1. Modern Micro Economics: A. Koutsouyiamis
2. Managerial Economics: Mote, Paul, and Gupta
3. Managerial Economics: P. L. Mehta
4. Managerial Economics: Varshney and Maheshwari
5. Indian Industries: Q. Ahsan& S. Mukherjee
6. Economics Survey: Govt. of India
7. Public Enterprise: Guru & Q. Ahsan
8. Indian Economy: Mishra &Puri
9. Indian Economy: AlakGhosh
10. Indian Economy: VimalJalan
1. Objective, goals, and scope of Financial Management, Financial Markets, Time Value of Money, Risk and return analysis. Sources of Industrial & Business finance.
2. Definition and basic elements of financial planning, determination of quantum and pattern of funds requirements, theories of capitalization.
3. Equity capital, preference share capital, debenture and terms loans, trade credit, and bank credit.
4. Ratio, Analysis, Time series and Common size analysis, fund flow and cash flow analysis, Leverages-concept, operating, financial and total average, financial forecasting-preparation of Performa, Income statement, and Balance sheet.
1. Introduction to Accounting, Meaning, Nature, and Importance of Accounting, Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP), Accounting Equation. Accounting process.
2. Accounting Mechanics, Double entry system, Debit-Credit recording, Transaction in primary books, journal, cash book, Ledger, Trial Balance & Final Accounts with adjustment for trading concerns.
3. Rectification of error, Self-Balancing Ledgers, Depreciation Accounting, Important methods of charging depreciation, and accounting from incomplete records.
4. Distinction between capital and revenue income, expenditure account, receipts, and payments accounts.
5. Investment account, Partnership Goodwill valuation admission, retirement.
6. Accounting standards, general understanding of Indian and International accounting standards.
1. Financial Organization and Management of Business: Gerstenburg
2. Financial Management: Weston &Brigham
3. Financial Management: S. C. Kuhchal
4. Basic Business Finance: Hunt
5. Financial Management: Kulkarni
6. Corporate: Mohsin
7. Management Accounting: I. M. Pandey
1. Nature and scope of marketing, Marketing, and Sales, Marketing in a developing economy.
2. Determination of consumer behaviour, Consumer behaviour models.
3. Market segmentation, Marketing decision-making, planning of marketing mix, Marketing organization, Marketing research, and its applications.
4. Price policies and practices, Marketing communication, advertising and sales promotion, marketing strategies and policies, channels of distribution types of intermediaries.
5. Product life-cycle, Different types of products, Branding, and Packaging.
6. Social responsibilities of marketing managers, Consumerism.
1. Sales promotion-meaning, Purpose, and Strategy.
2. Publicity objective, Selection of publicity, Message and Vehicles, Planning and managing the promotional campaign.
3. Sales promotion at the point of sale and out of the shop, Promotion modeling.
4. Advertising-its importance, Methods, and Types, Advertising as mass communication, Economics effects, Social and ethical issues in advertising.
5. Elements of creating messages, copywriting print media, and other media.
1. Marketing Management: Philip Kotler
2. Marketing: Philips & Duncan
3. Modern Marketing Management: Darvar
4. Basic Marketing: Cundieff & Still
5. Cases in Marketing Management: Palph, Westfall & Harper W. Beyond
6. Marketing Communication: Subroto Sen Gupta
7. Brand Positioning: Subroto Sen Gupta
8. Advertising Management: Aaker& Myers
Full Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 45
1. Organizational Behaviour, Meaning, Importance, History of the development of OB: Factors influencing OB.
2. Understanding Individual: Nature of Man, Similarities and differences among individuals, personality development and its determinants, perception Factors influencing perception.
3. Group & Group Dynamics: Meaning of Group and Group dynamics Reason for the formation of groups. Characteristics of groups. Types of Groups in organizations, Group Cohesiveness. Factors affecting Group Cohesiveness.
4. Leadership: Leadership Concepts, Leadership emergence theories, Leadership style. Different functions and their effectiveness.
5. Motivation: Concept and importance. Financial and non-financial motivators. 6. Moral & Job satisfaction: Theories & Factors influencing morale & job Satisfaction.
7. Management of Change: Meaning, Importance & Factors contributing to organizational change.
8. Organizational culture: Concept, Importance & factors influencing organizational culture.
1. Human Behavioural Works: Keith Davis
2. Organizational Behaviour: Robbins
3. Theories of Organizational Behaviour: A. R. Sharma
Full Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 45
1. Introduction, Planning & organizing the HRD system. HRD Mechanism process & outcomes, Role of the line managers in HRD.
2. Performance & Potential meaning, Need & Importance, Technique of performance appraisal, Factors influencing performance appraisal.
3. Motivation and job satisfaction.
4. Employee compensation, Employee welfare & social security.
5. Training &Development: Need & Importance, Steps in training, Technique of training, Evaluation of training programme.
6. Career Planning & Career Development: Meaning, Importance of career strategies in rapidly changing environment, Designing appropriate systems.
1. Organization Behaviour: S. P. Robbins
2. Organization Behaviour: U. J. Arnold & D. C. Feldman
3. Industrial Psychology: Mernoria
4. Industrial Psychology: D. C. Koehar, Mohanty, Blue & Naylor
5. General Psychology: Raven & Rubin
Full Marks: 75 (Theory) + 25 (Practical) Pass Marks: 45
1. Fundamentals of Computer and Programming in QBasic.
2. Introduction of operating system (DOS), Windows).
3. Computers in Business applications. MS Office and (Word, EXCAL & PowerPoint).
4. Data Base Management (Fox Pro) and Programming Languages C.
5. Introduction to Internet operations.
1. Computer Today: Galotia Publication
2. Mastering Fac Pro: Charles Seagal
3. Programming in PC Software made Simple: R> K. Tazsali
Full Marks: 50 Pass Marks: 25
1. Introduction: Meaning, Need, Basis, Importance, Gains and Procedure Balance of Trade and balance of payments. Tariff and Non-tariff barriers GATT & Foreign Exchange control.
2. Financial framework: International Monetary System, SDR, IMF, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Euro MKT International liquidity & Exchange rate restrictions.
3. International Marketing programme: Exporting, Licensing, Joint venture ownership international competition & characteristics of Multinational Marketing.
4. Decisions: International Business product decisions, pricing decisions channel decisions & Advertising Decisions of International Business.
5. Export promotion: Export Financing, Planning, Organizing, and Controlling Multinational Marketing Programme.
6. Analysis of India’s International Business: Export trends, Export promotion efforts. Import substitution and role of Govt. agencies STC & MMTC.