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BCA Fee Structure at CIMAGE | BBA Fee Structure | Admission Open 2024

CIMAGE लाडली बिटिया योजना

CIMAGE लाडली बिटिया योजना

आधे शुल्क पर होगा बेटियों का नामांकन

Course Fee Payment Mode
Girl Boy
One Time Fee Per Semester One Time Fee Per Semester
BBA/BCA (AKU/PPU) ₹ 1.89 Lakh ₹ 35K Per Sem. ₹ 2.21 Lakh ₹ 44K Per Sem.
B.SC-IT/BBM (PPU) ₹ 1.54 Lakh ₹ 30K Per Sem. ₹ 1.89 Lakh ₹ 35K Per Sem.
B.Com (P) (AKU) ₹ 1.29 Lakh ₹ 25K Per Sem. ₹ 1.54 Lakh ₹ 30K Per Sem.
MBA/MCA (AKU) ₹ 1.89 Lakh ₹ 55K Per Sem. ₹ 2.21 Lakh ₹ 65K Per Sem.

सिमेज में 12th या Inter पास प्रतिभाशाली छात्रों को मिलेगी छात्रवृत्ति

सिमेज में 12th या Inter पास प्रतिभाशाली छात्रों को उनकी प्रतिभा के बल पर मिलेगी छात्रवृत्ति, जिसके माध्यम से वे बिहार के मैनेजमेंट और information Technology के सबसे अच्छे संस्थान, सिमेज समूह के कॉलेजों से BBA,BCA,BSc.IT, B.ComP की पढाई कर पाएंगे |

बारहवीं बोर्ड की परीक्षा में 75% से अधिक कुल अंक प्राप्त करने वाले छात्रों को सिमेज द्वारा छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान की जाएगी | यदि किसी छात्र को बोर्ड परीक्षा में 75% से अधिक अंक प्राप्त नहीं हुआ, लेकिन केवल Maths में या केवल English में ही 80% से अधिक अंक प्राप्त हुआ है, तो भी उसे छात्रवृत्ति की सुविधा मिलेगी |

इसके साथ ही, सेना में कार्यरत सैनिकों के पुत्रों को अथवा जिनके माता-पिता सेना में कार्यरत हैं, उन्हें भी सिमेज द्वारा छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान किया जायेगा | जबकि किसी बच्चे के माता-या पिता ने सेना में अपने कर्तव्यों का पालन करते हुए, यदि देश के प्रति अपनी सेवा में अपने प्राणों को न्यौछावर कर दिया, तो सिमेज में सेना मे शहीद हुए जवान के बच्चो को पूर्ण रूप से निःशुल्क शिक्षा दी जाएगी |

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BCA Fee Structure 2024 | Fee Structure for BCA Course | BCA Fees in Patna 

CIMAGE Fee structure for BCA (AKU/PPU), (Global Curriculum Fee Plan), (One-Time Fee, Option-1)

Students can complete the entire 3-year undergraduate course of the Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) under Aryabhatta Knowledge University & Patliputra University at colleges under the CIMAGE Group of Institutions at a Total fee of ₹2,21,000 for the entire three-year course.

BBA Fee Structure 2024 | Fee Structure for BBA Course | BBA Fees in Patna

CIMAGE Fee structure for BBA (AKU) (Global Curriculum Fee Plan), (One-Time Fee, Option-1)

Students can complete the entire 3-year undergraduate course of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) under Aryabhatta Knowledge University at colleges under the CIMAGE Group of Institutions at a Total fee of ₹2,21,000 for the entire three-year course.

BBM Fee Structure 2024 | Fee Structure for BBM Course | BBM Fees in Patna

CIMAGE Fee structure for BBM (PPU) (Global Curriculum Fee Plan), (One-Time Fee, Option-1))

Students can complete the entire 3-year undergraduate course of the Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) under Patliputra University at colleges under the CIMAGE Group of Institutions at a Total fee of ₹1,89,000 for the entire three-year course.

BSc-IT Fee Structure 2024 | Fee Structure for BSc-IT Course | BSc-IT Fees in Patna

CIMAGE Fee structure for BSc-IT (PPU) (Global Curriculum Fee Plan), (One-Time Fee, Option-1)

Students can complete the entire 3-year undergraduate course of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology  (BSc-IT) under Patliputra University at colleges under the CIMAGE Group of Institutions at a Total fee of ₹1,89,000 for the entire three-year course.

B-Com Fee Structure 2024 | Fee Structure for B-Com Course | B-Com Fees in Patna

CIMAGE Fee structure for B-Com (P), (Global Curriculum Fee Plan), (One-Time Fee, Option-1)

Students can complete the entire 3-year undergraduate course of the Bachelor of Commerce, B-Com(P) under Aryabhatta Knowledge University at college under the CIMAGE Group of Institutions at a Total fee of ₹1,54,000 for the entire three-year course.

PGDM Fee Structure 2024 | Fee Structure for PGDM Course | PGDM Fees in Patna

CIMAGE Fee structure for PGDM Course 2024 (Global Curriculum Fee Plan), (One-Time Fee, Option-1)

Students can complete the entire 2-years AICTE approved course of PGDM ( Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management) run under the Nodal Center of All India Management of Association (AIMA) at college under the CIMAGE Group of Institutions at a Total fee of ₹1,78,000 for the entire two-year course.

Colleges Affiliated Under Patliputra University (PPU)

  • Catalyst College
  • Catalyst Institute of Management and Advance Global Excellence

Colleges Affiliated Under Aryabhatta Knowledge University (AKU

  • CIMAGE Professional College

Course Duration  Affiliation Total Fee
BBM (PPU)   3 Years Patliputra University ₹1,89,000
B.Sc. (IT) (PPU)   3 Years Patliputra University ₹1,89,000
BCA (PPU)   3 Years Patliputra University ₹2,21,000
B.Com (P), (AKU)  3 Years Aryabhatta Knowledge University ₹1,54,000
BBA (AKU)  3 Years Aryabhatta Knowledge University ₹2,21,000
BCA (AKU)  3 Years Aryabhatta Knowledge University ₹2,21,000
PGDM (AIMA)  2 Years AIMA (All India Management Association) ₹1,78,000
MBA (AKU)  2 Years Aryabhatta Knowledge University ₹2,21,000
MCA (AKU)  2 Years Aryabhatta Knowledge University ₹2,21,000

– Internal Examination Fee (Per Semester): ₹1000/-

– Library Security Deposit (Refundable): ₹1000/-

The above Fee Structure would be offered under the Down Payment Mode (option 1) Contact: 9835024444, 7250767676


Add-on Courses

BCA/BSc-IT Add-on

  • MCA Entrance Preparation
  • Advance Web development Package
  • Advance Java Package
  • Computer Hardware & Networking
  • Training and Workshop on Digital marketing
  • Robotics
  • Linux and Open Office
  • Cloud Computing
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Mobile App, Web and Software Development
  • Advance Excel and PowerPoint

BBA/BBM Add-on

  • Preparatory Classes for CAT, MAT, Bank P.O.
  • Diploma in Retail Management
  • Computer Accounting (Tally)
  • Customer Service
  • Business English
  • Training and Workshop on Digital marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Taxation (Income Tax, GST)
  • Rural Marketing
  • Payroll Management
  • Resume Building
  • Advance Excel and PowerPoint

There is uniformity in terms of the application of fees on all students except those students who are able to get scholarship based on their excellence of performance. Complete printed fee structure is given to students when they come for admission counselling. The same is not posted over here because it may be revised time to time as per the need. The fee mentioned above is applicable as of now.

There are other applicable Fee Plans which may vary depending on the course option and payment schedule. The above mentioned fees includes these courses.

CIMAGE College Patna fee structure is designed to provide affordable education without compromising the quality of learning. The institutions offers a range of courses with flexible payment options, scholarships, and financial aid to ensure that no deserving student is left behind. Most of the CIMAGE Group of Institutions students get a placement package for more than their course fees of three years. By prioritizing accessibility and affordability, CIMAGE is empowering a new generation of learners who can achieve their full potential and make meaningful contributions to society.

Other Advantages include in CIMAGE Fee Structure

  • Corporate Seminars
  • Two sets of Uniform fabric
  • Study Materials
  • Personality Development Package
  • Spoken English Training
  • Business Suit (Blazer)
  • Career Launch-Pad Training (Special Workshop before Campus Placement)
  • Backpack Bag

 Instructions For CIMAGE Fee Structure

  1. Seat would be booked only after the payment of Rs 40,000/- (Adjustable against admission and non-refundable).
  2. The institute will charge separately for Foreign Tours, Industrial Visits, Transportation, Boarding and Lodging, Food, Entertainment events, Sports Competitions, (Celebrity: visits/lectures/performances), Participation/organizing of Conferences/ Seminars/Get-togethers/Parties, participation in Inter-College competition, social initiatives, College Magazine, Value added Courses, Membership charges for clubs/online subscriptions, photocopies, CD/DVD, Library caution money, learning aids, additional uniforms, Special movie shows and other facilities which are not part of the mainstream offering. The above-mentioned charges may be compulsory or optional at the discretion of college management.
  3. The institute gives maximum emphasis on regular classes, that’s why it wants all its students to achieve maximum attendance during the course.
  4. Students achieving 90-100% attendance will be rewarded, where as those students who remain absent in more than 40% classes will have to pay an absent fine which can be waived off by competent authority in cases of hospitalisation/severe illness, marriage of immediate family member etc.
  5. Any request of removal of any component of package /course/reduction of fee in lieu of opting out of some advantage/change/ replacement is not allowed under any circumstances. Alteration of course/package composition is not allowed.
  6. Except the Security Deposit any other fee is not refundable/transferable in any circumstances, neither prior to the commencement or classes/session nor during the course or afterwards. The security deposit shall be refundable only after the end of the programme after adjusting dues, if any. In case of withdrawal from the programme at any point before completion, the security deposit shall not be refunded, till the formal end of the particular programme. Student’s Name would be removed from the batch only in case of complete payment of total Course Fee. Any document deposited at the time of admission will not be returned in any circumstances if any kind of Fees is due. Students will have to get a NO Dues certificate from all departments (Accounts/library/canteen etc, to get his name removed from the admission list and for getting the documents/original testimonials returned.
  7. The last Date for paying Fees is already fixed as per following for the entire course, which should be strictly followed.
  8. Delay in paying fees will attract late fines which will increase on a daily basis. Students should pay all due fee before the examination. (i.e; if there is any fee which remains due then the students would not be allowed to fill the examination form and he would be debarred from appearing in university exam and admit card would not be issued).

“Many of the students are getting an Annual Package in their placement which is higher than the fee, what they are paying in their entire 3 Year Course.”

 Admission 2024 Registration Link:  Registration Form 2024 

BCA Fee Structure 2024 | Fee Structure for BCA Course | BCA Fees in Patna 

BCA Fee Structure 2024 at CIMAGE College Patna is designed to make quality education accessible to all students who aspire to build a career in the field of computer applications. With the increasing demand for skilled professionals in the tech industry, pursuing a degree in BCA can be a significant investment in one’s future. However, the cost of education can be a significant burden for many students and their families. CIMAGE fee structure for BCA is affordable, transparent, and flexible. The institution offers various payment options, including installments, to ease the financial burden on students. CIMAGE provides scholarships and financial aid to deserving students based on their academic performance and financial need. By prioritizing affordability and accessibility, CIMAGE enables students to realize their dreams and succeed in their chosen career paths

BBA Fee Structure 2024 | Fee Structure for BBA Course | BBA Fees in Patna

BBA Fee Structure 2024 at CIMAGE College Patna is structured to provide an affordable yet high-quality education to aspiring business leaders. Pursuing a degree in BBA can be a significant investment in one’s future, but the cost of education can be a significant obstacle for many students. CIMAGE fee structure for BBA is designed to cater to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds. The institution offers various payment options, including installment plans, to ease the financial burden on students and their families. CIMAGE also provides deserving students with a “Student Credit Card scheme” based on their performance and financial need. Intending to provide accessible education to all, CIMAGE ensures that students do not have to compromise on the quality of education to pursue their dreams. The institution’s focus on affordability and accessibility is paving the way for a new generation of business leaders who can positively impact society.

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Catalyst Institute of Management and Advance Global Excellence (CIMAGE)